Week of the Young Child

April 24-28 2017 is the Week of the Young Child! Every year the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) draws public attention to the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. Every day during the week holds a different theme supporting early childhood development. While many schools, centers, and museums celebrate the week, the NAEYC website provides tons of ways you can celebrate at home. 

Lets get started!

Music Monday

Music does wonders for little learners' development. Here are just a few examples.

  • Music stimulates language development in infants and toddlers.
  • Through clapping, finger plays, and dancing, music helps with spatial awareness and gross/fine motor skills.
  • Songs help children learn to share and take turns.
  • Music is a great way to work on math skills through counting, patterns, and sequencing.
  • Music has the ability to improve and strengthen memory. 

Make sure to check out The NAEYC website for activities you can do surrounding music and family fun! Also visit my twitter page @gianninirachel for a list of Chicago music activities.

Tasty Tuesday

Cooking is a wonderful opportunity for families to spend time together, but did you know that your kiddo is also working on so many skills?

  • Through using utensils your little one is working on finger strength and fine motor skills.
  • Math and cooking go together like PB&J. Measuring, shapes, and fractions are all present in the kitchen.
  • Verbal communications strengthen when a family cooks together.
  • When a child is engaged in the kitchen they are able to explore their senses and are actually more likely to try new foods.  

What is your favorite meal to cook with you little one ... perhaps, mac n cheese? Share in the comments below! 

Work Together Wednesday

Ahh building and tinkering...one of my favorite family activities! I could go on and on about the benefits of tinkering. Instead, checkout No Small Matter's visit to the Tinkering Lab at the Chicago Children's Museum.

Artsy Thursday

Let's get messy!! It's art day! Art is an amazing way for little ones to explore and play.

  • When your little artist is working they are crafting stronger language and emotional skills.
  • As they use their little fingers they are working on serious fine motor skills
  • Art helps children to develop decision-making skills.

Want to think outside the box? Try making your own paintbrushes! Check out Josh Derbas at the Chicago Children's Museum for some open ended art ideas!

Family Friday

Nothing is better than family time. Check out Saleem and our Power Play 2 spot if you don't believe me! Studies show that children in families who spend time together have less behavior problems and they do better in school. However, it can be difficult to find activities for the entire family. Check out the NAEYC website for tips on how to plan family fun! 

Don't forget to take a picture and share your Week of the Young Child fun on social media! #woyc17 #nosmallmatter

Make sure to checkout No Small Matter's Facebook page for live feeds everyday from the Chicago Children's Museum!!

                                      -Ms. Giannini